
On the afternoon of the 9th March 2019 eleven members of the Order and the Companionate of Merit travelled to the ancient Priory Church of St Mary’s Abergavenny for a Lenten Retreat.  Our hosts were the Revd Canon Mark Soady, Vicar of St Mary’s and Area Dean of Abergavenny, and the Revd Thomas Bates SSC, Curate of St Mary’s.


The resident Historian of the Priory,...


In a scene somewhat reminiscent of the Epiphany liturgy described by the Dowager Empress Helena in the eponymous novel by Evelyn Waugh, three priests of three ecclesial traditions were guests in the sanctuary on Saturday 5th January 2019 at Nazareth House for the Commandery of Wales Epiphany Vespers.  The ecumenical nature of our Order was emphasised by the presence of Fr Mark Underwood (Russian Orthodox), Canon Brendan Clover SChLJ (Anglican) and Canon David Hathaway SChLJ (Catholic).

Before Vespers the old Commandery flag was laid up.  New colours and a 5’ x 13’...
By kind permission of Sr Teresa and the Sisters of Nazareth, the University Carol Service was once again held in the University Church, Nazareth House. 

The congregation included members of the university, the Sisters and residents of Nazareth House, representatives of the various chaplaincies of the university, the Fellows and Scholars of Newman Hall and members of the...


Sunday 2nd December dawned and our day began with a friendly and relaxed sherry reception for everyone in the Church Hall.

St Wilfrid’s Church in Kirkby in Ashfield looked impressive, adorned with emblems of the Order of St Lazarus, as the Commandery of King Offa entered to the accompaniment of our very own Piper, Confrere Professor Robert Ashford. Then followed the first carol, ‘Once in royal David’s city’, led by Confrere John Bullock (organ) and Mr Tony Wade (trumpeter).   

Over sixty people, including representatives from the Leprosy Mission and Nepal Leprosy Trust,...


On the evening of Friday 16th November 2018 the Cardiff Oratory and the Order of St Lazarus, Commandery of Wales, co-hosted a fundraising dinner at Newman Hall for the Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Syrian Christian Refugee Appeal.  During preprandial drinks in the Newman Hall library Dr Alex McAuley, a Classicist and Lecturer in Hellensitic History & Director of International Affairs at the School of History, Archaeology, and Religion at Cardiff University, delivered a fascinating illustrated lecture entitled ‘Syria Yesterday and Today’.


The Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem - King Offa Commandery - attended the Remembrance Sunday Parade on the 11th November 2018 in Nottingham. Thousands of people turned out to the county’s main Remembrance Sunday parade, at the Victoria Embankment. As well as the large crowds in attendance, there was representation from all areas of the armed forces, as well...


On the evening of Sunday 11th November 2018, at the invitation of the Very Rev’d Dr Sebastian Jones Cong Orat, ChLJ, Moderator of the Cardiff Oratory, Dean of Newman Hall and Executive Chaplain of the Commandery of Wales, members of the Commandery joined the congregation of the University Catholic Chaplaincy and the residents of Nazareth House at the University Church for the Act of Remembrance.  These commemorations took on extra poignancy with this year being the centenary of the signing of the Armistice ending the First World War.  Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards KCVO, GCStJ, KCLJ,...


The Autumn National Investiture of the Grand Priory of England and Wales was held in the Grosvenor Chapel, Mayfair on Saturday 27th October 2018.

The Grand Priory was honoured with the presence of the Grand Master Emeritus of the Order, The Most Excellent Don Francisco de Borbón y Escasany,

Duke of Seville GE as Investing Officer, assisted by the Bailiff, HE The...


The weekend began with our attendance at Choral Evensong held in the Quire of Ripon Cathedral - a most apt and holy place for the commencement of our Pilgrimage to this very special part of God's kingdom.

Those of us who stayed at the Royal Spa Hotel were pleased with our spacious rooms and the scrumptious food supplied to us, both for our Pilgrimage Dinner and the tasty breakfasts, (including the Kippers, and not forgetting, of course, the Marmite, a particular favourite of our Commander, Chevalier Mario Rizzardi).    The roast beef on Friday evening was probably the most delicious...


On the morning of Saturday 22 September, members and friends of the Commandery of London & Westminster gathered in the Cloister Court of Queens’ College Cambridge at the beginning of a day of fellowship and learning.


After some welcome refreshments on a damp and chilly morning, we settled down to hear from Irene Allen of LEPRA, who gave an excellent talk which...

